Leadership Simulation: Patient Zero
Event Summary: his year's simulation is Leadership Simulation: Patient Zero by Christopher Robichaud. An overview of the simulation is available on Harvard Business Publishing Education website. This simulation is a great opportunity for your students to work with others creating a fictional country only to find out that a zombie pandemic is unfolding. The students then must make complex ethical decisions with incomplete or non-existent information. At the end of the simulation, students will be informed of the state of their country, including infection rate, public morale, and the likelihood of country collapse.
Registration Information: All students welcome to participate. Space is limited for each session. Contact Amber Chapman to sign up: chapmanat1@appstate.edu.
*****We will purchase the licenses early afternoon on August 18th, so please sign up with student names and email addresses on this sheet prior to this date so we purchase the correct number of licenses for attendees.
Activity Schedule: Saturday, August 26 @ 9:00-11:30
Location: Leon Levine Hall. Room 103
For more information: Contact Sandi Lane: lanssj1@appstate.edu.