An Examination of Student Perspectives of Careers in Aging Services and Faculty Perspectives of Teaching Topics on Aging
What is the goal of this study?
The specific goals of this study are to examine university student perspectives on career choices and interest in a career providing care and services for older adults, and faculty interest in incorporating aging content in their teaching.
Who should enroll in this study?
You may particpate if you are a student at Appalachian State University and are 18 years of age or older.
Participants Will:
*Take a 10 minute anonymous survey
*Have the option to participate in a random drawing for a $50 gift card.
To particpate, you can start the survey here.
For more more information, email Bailee Ridlon:
This study aims to assess the cardiovascular impact of prolonged standing (2 hours). Additionally we are determining if an individual's fitness level can change your cardiovascular response to prolonged standing. The study has a 30 minute initial visit to go through consent and determine eligibility. You will also complete an maximal exercise test during this visit. The two experimental visits have you stand for two hours straight, one is passively, and the other is active standing on a balance board to generate more muscle activity.
Who should enroll in this study?
You may participate if:
*You are between the ages of 18 and 40
*You are healthy enough to engage in moderate-to-vigourous intensity exercise
*You can stand for 2 hours
*You can abstain from food, nicotine and caffeine for 2 hours and alcohol for 12 hours
Participants will:
*Have an initial screening visit
*Have 2 separate experimental visits
First Visit: 2 hours of passive standing at a desk with a computer
Second Visit: 2 hours of standing at a desk with a computer and intermittent use of an active standing board
*Heart rate, blood pressure and other measures will be obtained.
For more information, visit: AEROSTAND Study. Or contact Robert Kowalsky, 828-262-6799,
Assessment and Intervention Across the Cognitive Continuum in Older Adults
The purpose of this study is to learn about memory and language changes that often occur as people age. If you take part in this study, you will be one of about 50 people to do so. By doing this study we hope to learn about the best ways to identify changes in language and memory over time. Ultimately, we will use this information to design tasks to detect changes related to language and memory tasks as people age, in order to identify cognitive decline as early as possible.
Who should enroll in this study?
You may participate if:
*You are age 55 or older.
*You think your memory, thinking, or language abilities are not as good they once were.
*You have been diagnosed with cognitive problems.
*You pass a hearing, speech, and vision screening.
*You are able to read and write.
*You speak English.
Participants will:
*Complete health, vision, hearing and cognitive screening tasks.
*Complete several language and cognitive skills assessments.
For More Information, contact: Kim McCullough 828-262-6063
Motor Synchrony & Autism in Adults
The purpose of the motor synchrony and autism project is to describe how autistic and non-autistic adults move, communicate. We're hoping to look at differences between same neurotype (e.g., autistic + autistic / non-autistic + non-autistic) and mixed neurotype (i.e., autistic + non-autistic) groups as well. Ultimately, we want to see how adults control their behaviors to think about how to best help kids be in better control of themselves, so we can design interventions that help autistic children do the things they want to do.
Who should enroll in this study?
*You are over 18
*You hear conversational speech in daily life (with assistance is ok)
*You can see someone moving from 20 feet away (with assistance is ok)
*You walk around without assistance (e.g., a cane) or limitations (e.g., pregnancy)
Participants will (some of this is video recorded):
*Complete a screener survey
*Participate on day 1: Complete some simple walking tasks, computer tasks, free IQ test
*Participate on day 2 in groups: Complete the same walking tasks with a partner twice, have a conversation with two people Participants are compensated up to $50 for completing the screener survey.
Participants are all compensated $75 upon completion of day 2 if selected!
For more information, contact George Wolford, or complete the screener survey