Brain & Neurologic Disease

Assessment and Intervention Across the Cognitive Continuum in Older Adults

The purpose of this study is to learn about memory and language changes that often occur as people age. If you take part in this study, you will be one of about 50 people to do so. By doing this study we hope to learn about the best ways to identify changes in language and memory over time. Ultimately, we will use this information to design tasks to detect changes related to language and memory tasks as people age, in order to identify cognitive decline as early as possible.

Who should enroll in this study? 

You may participate if:

*You are age 55 or older.  
*You think your memory, thinking, or language abilities are not as good they once were. 
*You have been diagnosed with cognitive problems. 
*You pass a hearing, speech, and vision screening.
*You are able to read and write.
*You speak English. 

Participants will: 
 *Complete health, vision, hearing and cognitive screening tasks. 
 *Complete several language and cognitive skills assessments. 

For More Information, contact: Kim McCullough 828-262-6063