Boone, NC — On April 10, 2019, the Beaver College of Health Sciences held their annual Student Awards Ceremony and honored a total of 26 students for their leadership and academic achievement in their degree programs. These students represent the cornerstone of what the university is about — academic performance and scholarship.
Approximately 150 guests were in attendance, including student award recipients, their guests and Beaver College of Health Sciences (BCHS) faculty and staff. During the ceremony, Associate Deans Denise Levy and Gary McCullough read information about each student, including their accomplishments while at Appalachian, their most memorable faculty member and classes, and their post-graduation plans.
Students received sunflowers from their respective department’s chair, which represent their loyalty, longevity, intelligence and happiness. At the end of the ceremony, the guests and students raised commemorative glasses in a toast to the students. It was certainly a special occasion to honor the best and brightest students in the Beaver College of Health Sciences!
Undergraduate Academic Awards: These students were selected based on their cumulative grade point averages and for their overall academic performance and scholarship. All of our Academic Award winners are to be commended for their academic performance, as well as for their academic integrity, which is more important than their final grade earned in a class.
The award recipients are: Lindsey Honkomp (Athletic Training), Olivia Maita (Communication Sciences & Disorders), Austin Lubkemann (Exercise Science), Austin Rozier (Health, Physical Education & Coaching), Margaret Ann Bean (Health Care Management), Annie Smith (Nursing), Ariel Christian (Nutrition & Foods), Arianna Assad (Public Health), Rebecca Stempniak (Recreation Management) and Amy N. Norris (Social Work).
Undergraduate Leadership Awards: Our Leadership Award recipients have distinguished themselves through their service to their peers, to their degree program, to the university or to the community. They are recognized for their leadership either informally among their classmates or in a formal capacity such as serving as an officer of a student club or other campus activities. Strong leadership is an important characteristic for future health professions and these students represent the type of effective leadership needed within our communities.
The award recipients are: Samantha Gibbon (Athletic Training), Emma Rogus (Communications Sciences & Disorders), Megan Campany (Exercise Science), Kaila Nasser (Health, Physical Education & Coaching), Adam Barrows (Health Care Management), Theresa Marie Weeks (Nursing), Alison Collins (Nutrition & Foods), Vanna Labi (Public Health), Brodie Maroney (Recreation Management) and William (Kurt) Gobble (Social Work).
Graduate Student Awards: Our graduate student award recipients are recognized for a combination of academics, professionalism and career potential. They have demonstrated a commitment to their profession by pursuing a rigorous graduate degree, and faculty select recipients based on their academics, leadership and service.
The award recipients are: Kasey Kleiber (Exercise Science), Rebekah Love MacKinnon (Health Administration), Kimberly Tate Spaulding (Nursing), Kelsey Johnson (Nutrition), Christopher C. Castiglia-Marelli (Social Work) and Kayla Elmore (Speech-Language Pathology).
Congratulations to all of our Student Award winners!
View additional ceremony photos here.
![BCHS Student Award winners](