Recently 12 groups of App State Nursing students, representing 42 senior undergraduates presented their research in various topics that support evidence-based practice in nursing at an event sponsored by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing on April 21 in Levine Hall.
“With the event, we are providing an opportunity for senior Nursing students to present their research,” said Dr. Amber Welborn, Nursing faculty and a chapter leader for Sigma Theta Tau. “It is also our hope that as students hear about their faculty's scholarship, they will begin to view research and scholarship as a part of Nursing practice, not just something to read about in the professional literature. We see this event as an opportunity to get everyone excited about the science of Nursing.”
“As we work toward cultivating a community that understands and values the role of research in nursing practice there were also faculty presentations that provided an opportunity for students to see that the skills they are learning and utilizing are being applied in a meaningful way by their nursing faculty who are also engaging in research from a variety of perspectives,” said Dr. Tammy Haley.“This type of event provides students with opportunities to engage in research activities through collaboration with other nurses and the multidisciplinary health care team; the ability to evaluate examples of existing research evidence for quality and contribution to the nursing knowledge base; and the ability to synthesize research to practice evidence-based nursing care.”
Photo Cutline:
Nursing students Sharon Donahue (in blue) and Kristen Shull (in pink) answer questions from Dr. Jean Bernard, Undergraduate Nursing Program Director, about their work "Exercise as an Intervention to Combat Social Media and Internet Addiction in College Students: A Systematic Review.”